Build for 1 user
We solve real problems for real people. No vague promises—just deep focus on what one user truly needs. If it works for them, it'll work for thousands.
Build with 2 people
Small teams. Two people—aligned, accountable, and unafraid to challenge each other—move faster, think sharper, and cut through noise.
Build in 3 steps
Idea → Build → Polish. Build quick, then refine like crazy. Launch fast, learn faster.
Build for 4 seasons
Rain or shine, snow or sun, Tokyo or Nairobi—build products anti-fragile and adaptable solutions. If it can't withstand chaos, don't ship it.
5 stars or nothing
First interaction should feel magical and every other should feel flawless. We obsess over tiny details and ironclad reliability (yes, 99.999% uptime).
Ship in 6 weeks. Period.
Done is better than perfect. Momentum beats procrastination. If it's not out the door in six weeks, we're overcomplicating it.
Always on, 7 days a week.
No off-hours. No forgotten time zones. Whether it's midnight in Mumbai or a holiday in Helsinki, we're there for our users.
To Infinity
Build beautifully today, but design for forever. Build solutions that pass from father to son, grandfather to grandson. Become the family secret.
Cloud 9 experience
Make it feel like magic. We craft moments that make users pause and think, "How did I live without this?"
10x everything
Aim for leaps, not steps. Build things that solve problems 10x better, leave 100x impact and last 10 x 10 years.
The 11th rule is yours
Be yourself, write your own rule 11, 12 etc. 1 to 10 are just the start, write yours. Surprise us.
Get unlucky
Plan everything and watch it fall apart or just do something stupid. Take a free lesson with failure. Take risks, trip publicly, and get back at it.
Talk to us about our work or anything else
Apply to join the team or our Semester Program